
11/07/2021 1588 views
首页 生命的讯息

Wild flowers in the deep mountains, even though no one is enjoying them, still radiate their fragrance.

Being a human, if someone takes advantage of you, proves that you are also valuable. There are envious people, proving you are ahead of them. Being slandered by others shows that you are very influential.

In life, it is necessary to be skillful in dealing with people - situations and emotions.
For people: need to see through, not to say clearly.
For the situation: need to build, no need to oppose.
With the mood: need to be happy, not need to be sad…!

In life, no matter how good you are, you can't get everyone's love.
There are fans, there will be haters; If someone is jealous, someone will not take you seriously.

Life is like that, you can't please everyone. Don't lose your essence to please others, because everyone has their own principles and self-respect.

We are not fully human, but there are many different versions, so we just need to make a good original.

————————By people:———————
The eyes are the same but the angle is different.
The mouth is the same, but each person has a different way of speaking.
The heart has the same structure but the thinking is very different.
Money is the same but the way of spending each person differently.

Also human, but each individual has a way of life, need to confidently walk on their own two feet.

Eagles without cheers also fly high; The grass does not need a caretaker to grow up on its own; Wild flowers in the deep mountains, even though no one is enjoying them, still radiate their fragrance.

Working, no need to be understood by everyone, just give your best;
As a human, you don't need to be loved by everyone, just be frank - generous.

A human life isn't really that long, anyway, since we've come here, we should live a little more beautiful.

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